Quick recap of the most important rules of the game and creating a character.
LUCK: 23

When it comes to creating a character, it is essential that one will understand what the character sheet values stand for

Character sheet values describe how good a character is at something, ranging from 0 to 100.

STR (Strength): Physical power.
CON (Constitution): Health and toughness.
DEX (Dexterity): Agility and speed.
INT (Intelligence): Cleverness and problem-solving.
SIZ (Size): Height and weight.
POW (Willpower): Mental strength and stability.
APP (Appearance): Physical appeal.
EDU (Education): Knowledge and experience.

Each value has smaller boxes beside it: upper is half, lower is one-fifth (extreme). For example, for STR 60, the upper is 30, and the lower is 12.

Vital Stats

HP (Hit Points): If damage reduces to zero, unconsciousness and possible death.
MP (Magic Points): Used for spells; excess use deducts from HP. Regenerates.

Other Traits

LUCK: Affects success in various situations.
SAN(Sanity): Deals with exposure to horrors. Lost when overwhelmed.

Use skills with the base value shown in parentheses, like "Accounting (05%)" means a 5% skill in accounting.

Each skill has boxes: middle is half, right is one-fifth (extreme). For charm 50%, middle is 25, right is 10.

A list of all skills with their descriptions can be found here: ... scriptions

There are other skills that are more dependent on the decade we’re playing in, for example, Computer Use.

List your investigator's weapons. Each weapon has Regular, Hard, and Extreme skill values, damage (usually a die roll), and attacks per round. Firearms include range, ammunition, and malfunction number.

Action Reference:

Move: Human average is Move 8.
Build: Physical build.
DB (Damage Bonus): Extra damage.
Dodge: Your investigator's Dodge skill value. Useful in combat and dramatic events.
Useful Resources
There are many guides online, here we will list the most useful ones, as it would be unfair just to copy the content:

A very easy-to-use website that specifies exactly what to roll and when and takes you step by step.

https://the-call-of-cthulhu.obsidianpor ... r-creation

There is also an online character builder, which is very good and does all the counting for you, but requires making an account:

You can also use a pre-made character and change their name/shift some things and add your own bio: ... estigators

Useful website that walks you through creating a character, maybe a bit deeper than the others if you struggle to develop your concept ... character/

Once you have all your values and information in a Character Sheet format, you can copy it into our system!