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Posted: August 22nd, 2023, 2:12 pm
by Maggie
Rolling Dice

Make a skill roll during uncertain and dramatic moments in the game. Agree on a goal with the Keeper before attempting the roll on the OOC channel if you need to. Success achieves your goal.

There are different levels of success.

Regular: Roll equal to or less than your skill value on 1D100.
Hard: Roll equal to or less than half your skill value.
Extreme: Roll equal to or less than one-fifth of your skill value
Pushing a Roll

If justified, you can push a failed roll, which means that you can roll for the same skill once more, essentially try again. Failing a pushed roll might result in harsher consequences. You can't push a combat roll.

You can't push combat or opposed rolls. Also, you can push if you rolled a fumble (100).

Opposed Rolls

For conflicts, usually combat ones, opposed rolls can happen. Both people roll for different skills (for example, one person rolls for dodge, while the other for brawl)

Compare success levels: Regular beats fail, Hard beats Regular, Extreme beats Hard.
Draw: Higher skill wins and if the skills are equal, roll 1D100, lower result wins.

Combat depends fully on the opposed rolls. Both sides roll based on the skills used. Compare success levels.

Regular > Fail
Hard > Regular
Extreme > Hard
Bonus Dice and Penalty Dice

Conditions can modify rolls - this happens for combat but also for normal rolls.

Bonus Die: Roll an additional "tens" die alongside percentile dice. Use better tens result.
Penalty Die: Roll extra tens die. Use the worse tens result.

Combined rolls

To succeed in some circumstances (for example, to throw something at someone from the darkness/hiding spot) you may roll together Throw and Stealth. This is all set up by the keeper, and the keeper will decide what kind of roll is needed to succeed in a certain situation.


Reduce roll value by spending luck points, even if you succeed. Only for skill checks, you can't use them for damage, for example. Luck is also a skill itself, use luck when fate or external circumstances matter.

You can't spend luck on pushed rolls or fumbles.

When combat occurs, the order of the replies changes and is replaced with the Attack Order:

Attack Order

All characters and NPCs creatures act in order by DEX values.
Drawing a firearm adds +50 to DEX.
The highest DEX goes first, then in descending order.
Combat Round Duration

Characters can write up actions in their turn, usually one action per post, something that could be done in a matter of seconds. They can do specific actions:

If attacking:

Choose from three attack skills depending on the weapon:

Fighting (Brawl): Hand-to-hand and simple weapons.
Firearms (Handguns): Short-range firearms.
Firearms (Rifle): Long-range firearms.
If surprise attack:

When the target does not anticipate the attack, the attacker uses an extra Bonus Die.

If defending:

Choose from actions depending on what you want to do:

Dodge using the dodge skill.
Fight back using brawl. If you succeed, you can inflict damage on the attacker.
Manoeuvre, do something in the environment that might give you an advantage later. Use Brawl skill for that. You can't manoeuvre against someone whose build is more than 3 points higher than yours. For each difference in build, you get one extra penalty dice.

A character outnumbered by the opposition is at a disadvantage.

All next melee attacks on them are made with one bonus die. This does not apply to attacks made using firearms.


When encountering Cthulhu Mythos horrors or horrific events:

Roll 1D100 against the current Sanity score.
Failing a Sanity Roll

Keeper briefly controls the next action due to fear.
The action might be screaming, freezing, etc.
Then, there is the next roll for the sanity loss.
Losing >5 Sanity in One Roll (Going Mad)

Losing 5+ Sanity in one roll is a major trauma.
Then, the player rolls 1D100:
If rolls equal or lower to Intelligence (INT): Understands and goes temporarily insane (1D10 hours).
If rolls higher than Intelligence (INT): Mind closes to horror, stays sane.
Regaining Sanity

Recovering lost Sanity is tough.
Rest, psychotherapy, and breaks aid recovery.
Completed investigations can restore Sanity.
The steady loss of Sanity creates a downward spiral, which is just how it is in the game.
As Sanity drops, the ability to handle horrors decreases.
Hit points, Wounds, and Healing

When HP Falls Below Zero

When a character's hit points reach zero, they fall unconscious and enter a dying state.
First Aid can't be used on characters with 0 HP to regain them, only Medicine. However, successful First Aid stabilizes, waiting for Medicine later.

Losing more than Half HP in One Turn

A character suffers a major wound.
CON roll or fall unconscious.
Major Wound Characters

Major wounded characters at 0 HP are close to death (dying).
Successful First Aid stabilizes, and Medicine further aids.
Major wound healing roll each week (CON roll).
Success: regain 1D4 HP or 2D4 for Extreme.
Major wound ends on Extreme success or half HP healing.
Healing takes weeks for major wounds.

Losing All HP in One Turn

Instant death.
Healing (No Major Wound)

Without a major wound, heal 1 HP per day.

First Aid

First Aid: Heal 1 HP, revive from unconsciousness.
On dying character (0HP), extends life, so perhaps Medicine can be used later.
Medicine: Heal 1D3 HP, after a week, with equipment.